23 Mar

You have installed your WordPress site and are looking at the Pages setting. Just what pages are you supposed to have and how do you create them?

Depending on the Theme you are using, you may already have one or two installed. However, you will need to fill in the information to make them correct for your site.

Creating a page is the same as creating a post. Go to Page, Add New, and there is your template. Add a title and fill in the information and then Publish. it is as simple as that. Visit the website and get to know about 504 gateway timeout nginx and DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN.

Here are some of the more important pages you may want to consider.

1. About: this page should tell about you or your company. Those who visit your site want to know that this is run by real people. Who you are, what your site is about, and the goal of your site should be included here. A picture is always nice. An address is good but not your personal address. If you have no other address, just put the city, state, country, i.e. Chicago, IL, USA.
2. Contact: sometimes a reader will want to send you a message so you need a contact form. Several plugins can provide this for you. When you installed WordPress on your CPanel, you were given the opportunity to create an e-mail address. This is the one you should use - not your personal one. Another option is to create a new Gmail or Hotmail account for that site.
3. Privacy Policy: this speaks for itself. Your readers need to know that any information they give you will remain private. In other words, you will not give it away or sell it. You can search for WordPress Privacy Policy and find several examples and even a couple of sites that will create the policy for you.
4. FTC: this is a rather new suggestion but if you are selling your own or an affiliate product, you need to have an FTC statement. In short, this says that you are selling and are receiving all or part of the payment. Again, do a search for this and you should find some good examples to use.
5. Site Map: a really good free plugin called Dagon Design Sitemap Generator will do just that - create your site map. It is very simple to set up and the search engines like it.
6. Terms of Use: this tells your readers that what is on the site is owned by you or your domain. This works as a Copyright and protects you from having others use your information without giving you the proper credit.

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