23 Mar

If you have a WordPress blog already installed on your web host then your are ready to spiff it up a bit. Wait a minute you said to do what with my my blog. It looks fine the way it is and does not need anything else done to it. Hey, if you are happy with it just the way it is that is okay but keeping reading and you may change your mind.

What makes you think I will change my mind because those daily task you repeat doing over and over again my be automated. This will save you valuable time and money that you can invest in doing something more important. Time is valuable and the more of it you spend constructively then the better results that will be returned.

One way I have found to help automate some daunting task is by installing WordPress plugins. Once you have the jist of it they are very easy to install with very little changes that will need to made. Most of the work is done for you and your part will be guided with self explanatory step by step instructions. Visit the website and get to know about best wordpress cache plugins and wordpress security best practices.

So now we will get started learning how to install WordPress plugins step by step.

Step 1: Login to the administration area of your blog.
Step 2: After the dashboard is displayed on the left side of the page find the links area and click the "Plugins" link.
Step 3: Near the top left of the page beside the label "Plugins" click the "Add New" button.
Step 4: Look for the "Search" label and below it will be a dropdown with three options which are term (keyword), author, and tag. Leave the default option selected which is term that should be okay for now. Later you can practice searching by author and tag.
Step 5: Enter the search word or words for the type of plugin you are trying to find.
Step 6: Click the "Search Plugins" button.
Step 7: Look through the items displayed and click the "Install Now" link underneath the brief description.
Step 8: After the installation is complete make sure your are back at the plugins page by clicking the "Plugins" link on the left side of the page, find your plugin and click the "Activate" link underneath the title.
Step 9: Look for a "settings" link underneath the description and make the recommend changes.
Step 10: Check to make sure it is working correctly.

The WordPress plugin installation is now complete. Take the time to read more about it so that you get the best use of it. Understanding the proper ways to use something is when you can work the most efficient. That is the purpose of this article is to reveal to you how easy it is to save time, save energy, and produce more quality work with less effort. You can get to know about wordpress booking plugins and windows xp your connection is not private via reading online.

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